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Corporate Venturing


This program aims to train and accompany teams in their corporate venturing or corporate entrepreneurship strategy, boosting their disruption and innovation processes, building relationships with startups that allow streamlining internal processes, creating new lines of business and projects with talent. of the country's entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.

It has eight (8) hours of training through specialized workshops and five (5) hours of personalized advice for selected corporations. The training and consultancies are carried out through the Learning by Doing methodology; 80 percent of the hours dedicated by the company will be practical and the remaining 20 percent theoretical.

Program modules:

• Study the different Corporate Venturing mechanisms to be implemented.

• Analyze the most recognized trends in Corporate Venturing in the most dynamic sectors.

• Understand the most used investment figures, procedural and legal implications.

• Understand how companies and Startups can be integrated and articulated, through the use of an investment fund.


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